Get Your Performance Accelerator

Discover what's Stopping you ​

  • How to get Clarity & Focus on your Vision and Aspirations
  •  How to Align your Inner Strengths & your External Abilities
  • Learn the 3 Foundation Stones of any Success
  • Discover the 4-Pillars Strategy for Certainty and Clarity

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From the Desk of Micheal Colhoun. NLP Master Coach Trainer

Dear Friend,

This is vital knowledge that you absolutely need to grow your business  and career and you won’t find it anywhere else. 

WARNING: If you are just starting out or  just dabbling , this webinar is not for you. This webinar is for people who want to get the Edge of Success and are willing to Think Big, Take Action to Get Results.

Don’t miss out out this opportunity to step up

Warm regards,


Who is your Presenter

Micheal Colhoun is an enignamic and fascinating presenter with a breadth and depth of knowledge and experience in both business and personal transformation.  

Over the past 20 years he has worked with clients and partners in many high potential startups and also with many large blue chip corporations such as the London Stock Exchange, Deutsche Bank, The Chicago Merchantile Exchange, IBM, Microsoft Research and NCR.

He brings fascinating stories, insights and a personal tone to every presentation.

What People Say

Jim Adam, Alliance expert, IBM UK

I have been working with Michael for over ten years and throughout that time he has been a confidante, mentor, adviser and coach to me. He has helped me to become more self-aware and more conscious of my impact upon others. As a result I can say the quality of my relationships both professionally and personally have improved immeasurably. He has helped me to see what is really important and to make sound decisions on that basis and he has shown me how to tap into my own ability to perform consistently at high levels, with confidence. I will continue to call on his services and I would recommend them to anyone else.

Christina Graham, Vocal Coach, Your Vocal Soul

Micheal has done tremendous work with me. His extensive and broad knowledge of a variety of therapies, technologies and systems meant he was able to create a bespoke solution to address my specific issues.Bringing together his own unique blend of Timeline and Gestalt therapies, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Kundalini technologies and his own life experience – he has worked consistently with me to help remove the limiting beliefs and mind-set issues that to date, have stopped me being as fabulous as I have the ability to be! Now – I am SO important… in fact I’m the most important person in my life! I’m focused on feeling good as frequently and consistently as possible which makes the world a better place for me and everyone who comes into contact with me. Thank you Micheal – This is only the beginning! Now that my skills, abilities and beliefs are lining up… I’m know great and exciting things are to follow.

Beatrix Fonay, Therapist, UK

Thank you Micheal Colhoun for the Breakthrough session today! I am feeling on top of the world! I’m now itching to set down on paper my plan of world domination and of course to go out there to amaze and conquer… You really did create a monster! You are like a wizard stirring this cauldron of messy contradictory and funny subconscious soup that I carry inside me. Your unique and powerful insights and methods offer relief for anyone wishing to step up and take responsibility for their lives. I would only recommend it to everyone I love.

Shane Hagan, IT Consultant, UK

Having learned quite a bit from Micheal over the last two years, I was still blown away with his message during the recent webinar. Being able to transform oneself from not knowing what and how to achieve success at something, into utilising the strengths and ability that already exist, Micheal has the extraordinary skill in helping you to unlock these things. Micheal just doesn’t give you the answers – he makes you think hard about the what and why, so that you can deal with the crap that has built up over the years and unleash the true potential that has already been there, lying beneath all those things that have hold you back. After just 10 minutes chat with Micheal, you feel enlightened, smarter and you already begin to re-wire your connections! Thanks to Micheal, I am a much stronger person today, than I was two years ago. Thank you!.

Live Life at 100% - What are you waiting for?

“Life offers you an incredible opportunity to step outside of the fold, and to really step into your potential. Everyone gets the opportunity to really realise their potential. Few choose to do so. What if you had amazing potential to create real change in the world, but you decided that you were going to keep your gifts and talents hidden from the world. Who would lose out the most? Not even you, but all the people you could have reached out to, and changed their lives. Make a difference. Make a decision.”

To your success, 
Micheal Colhoun 
Your Performance Coach

What Our Students Have to Say

This is simply the best training I have been involved in. It has taken my understanding of transformation to higher levels and given me tools to help create deep change in people. ​
Vinty Firth
6 Degrees Coaching
My greatest achievement this week was getting 100% in the test. Aim for100% and make it achievable. Personally that was a massive mind shift. Excellent training.
Mandy Reid
Micheal is one of Europe's finest trainers and therapists. He is an amazing teacher because he makes the material so easy to understand and utilise. He is a man on a mission to transform the world!
The most self-transforming week of my life! The training has dramatically accelerated all areas of my life and still continues to do so. Micheal's training style is personal, engaging and humorous, his genuine passion for development is infectious.
Ryan Renfrew